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10-11 September 2025 | The Cordis Hotel, Auckland

FSC25 Conference Sponsorship









FSC25 Conference: Transforming for Tomorrow

The financial services sector touches all New Zealanders, through life and health insurance, investments and KiwiSaver and professional advice. As we undergo regulatory, technology and market change, the sector continues to adapt to the environment and help Kiwis learn the language of money to grow and protect themselves in our ever-changing global world.

Partnering gives you the opportunity to:

  • be aligned and visible at the sector's flagship event known for bringing the industry together, leading edge content and top speakers
  • contribute to the success of the wider financial services community
  • help create better financial outcomes for all New Zealanders.

We look forward to working with you to bring the FSC Conference to life in 2025. Get in touch to find out more about our sponsorship opportunities.

Download the Sponsorship Prospectus here

Get in touch for sponsorship opportunities

FSC25 Conference sponsor benefits

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A marketplace to showcase your business, products and services

Different businesses need different ways to showcase themselves to their audiences. The flagship FSC Conference provides a flexible space to deliver innovative communications, and the theme provides the opportunity to innovate and show products and services through a different lens. 

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Access to a network of who’s who in the NZ financial services

We reach thousands of people in the financial services industry, notably senior leaders, executive teams and decisionmakers. We've welcomed over 600 delegates at the FSC23 Conference, over 4000 at the ReGenerations Digital Conference and over 900 delegates at the FSC24 Conference.

We also reach a diverse group of key advisers and suppliers who support the financial services sector, as well as politicians and regulators. Not only do sponsors get the opportunity to be face-to-face with the community, there is also ample opportunity to showcase your business through FSC's platforms.

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Conference programme

Providing leading edge, global and market insights, the conference programme delivers a combination of high profile and quality keynote speakers and presenters via plenary and specialist workstream sessions. Attendees hear first-hand from experts, gaining access to real-time political insights and the latest thinking on global challenges. Combining professional and personal development, the programme will provide tangible value for delegates.


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Annual industry awards programme

FSC hosts the industry awards at the FSC Awards Dinner on the second night of the conference, where we recognise excellence and industry best practice, the movers and shakers and the rising stars. The FSC Awards Dinner and Awards provide opportunities for sponsor visibility and networking.

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Nationwide coverage

We promote our events through national and trade media. Our Conferences reach national coverage in trade and mainstream media, and gain significant social media engagement.

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Conference exhibition spaces

We encourage sponsors to think beyond the traditional exhibition and incorporate innovation and elements of this year's conference theme to their space. Your needs are personal to your business, so our events team can develop options with you to drive your brand at the conference and bring your space to life. 

Attracting delegates

We attract delegates to the conference via direct communications to FSC members and those in or interested in the financial services industry, supported by media, social media and other communications from the FSC.

With an expanded database in 2025 and growing reach through media and social media, we are able to let thousands of people know about the conference.

Conference 2019

Recent FSC Conferences

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FSC24 Conference: Building Consumer Resilience and Confidence

The FSC24 Conference built on the success of previous years, marking the first time our annual event was sold out. 

The discussions focused on the sector's role in enhancing the resilience of everyday New Zealanders and guiding them toward greater prosperity. 

We welcomed over 700 delegates, sponsors, 40 sessions and 128 speakers in Auckland from 3-5 September 2024.

Find out more about the 2024 conference here.

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FSC23 Conference: Building Consumer Confidence

The theme of the Financial Services Council conference in 2023 was Building Consumer Confidence.

As part of our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, we recognised the importance of supporting all New Zealanders. 

This theme was therefore about focusing on how we as an industry could support those who need it most, in all regions of New Zealand and of all gender identities, sexual orientations, cultures, ethnicities, ages and backgrounds.

Find out more about the 2023 conference here.

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Growing Financial Confidence & Wellbeing in Aotearoa 2022

The FSC. Conference 2022 theme reflected the FSC. Vision to ‘Grow the Financial Confidence and Wellbeing of New Zealanders’.

Our 2022 theme built on those from previous conferences including ReGenerations, and acted as our guide as we continue our journey through uncertain pandemic and economic times.

We  welcomed over 645 delegates, sponsors and speakers back in person to the FSC. Conference 2022 at The Cordis Hotel in Auckland over the 21 + 22 September 2022.

Find out more about the 2022 conference here.

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ReGenerations Conference 2021

Our 2021 conference 'ReGenerations' built on previous themes of Wellbeing, Sustainability and Guardianship. The Maori whakataukī (or proverb), He Waka Eke Noa, builds on these themes by highlighting the importance of recovery and going forward together in both good and trying times. With a literal translation 'We are all in this waka (canoe) together' this whakataukī centres in meaning around our whānau and community: being on the same journey, headed to the same destination and leaving no one behind.

The 2021 conference ran digitally over nine weeks with 16 sessions and two conference day sessions, with breakfast, main plenary and sundowner sessions.

With 148 speakers and over 37 sessions, the ReGenerations Digital Conference 2021 saw over 950 registrations with over 4000 session attendees.

Find out more about the 2021 conference here.