FSC. Conference 2022
The FSC. Conference 2022 theme reflected the FSC. Vision to ‘Grow the Financial Confidence and Wellbeing of New Zealanders’.
Our 2022 theme built on those from previous conferences including ReGenerations, and acted as our guide as we continue our journey through uncertain pandemic and economic times.
We welcomed over 645 delegates, sponsors and speakers back in person to the FSC. Conference 2022 at The Cordis Hotel in Auckland over the 21 + 22 September 2022.
Read the FSC. Conference 2022 day 1 and day 2 wraps below.

Attendees average rating of FSC. Conference

Attendees average rating of Conference speakers

Attendees average rating of Conference sessions
FSC. Conference 2022 OnDemand
Main Plenary
On our main platform we explore the big issues of the day including our pre-election political series, conduct and culture discussions and look ahead to the future of the sector.
Political and Regulatory Keynotes
View our sessions with our guest politicians.
The 2022 FSC. Conference theme reflects the FSC. Vision to ‘Grow the Financial Confidence and Wellbeing of New Zealanders’
This stream investigates the role of tech in the life insurance and wealth value chain.
Professional Advice
With the sector undergoing significant change, this stream tackled issues faced by Professional Advice businesses.
Investment and Kiwisaver
Expert speakers look into the behaviour of switching, what we have learnt from COVID-19 and how the digital world is changing the face of distribution.
Workplace Savings
This stream explores a range of topics relating to LITS and the Workplace Savings community.
Breakfast sessions
The breakfast sessions kicked off the FSC Conference 2022. There was a focus on FinTech, Women in Super or Regulation to choose from.

Gala Awards Dinner
The Financial Services Council Awards recognise the outstanding achievements and contributions of individuals, teams and businesses in the financial services industry and showcases the positive impact made across the sector and New Zealand at large.
"My first experience and I hope many more to come. So many learnings in work and life, and so much to take forward for myself, my role and my colleagues."
"Diverse speakers, delegate experience end-to-end, networking opportunities, sense of optimism about the industry's contribution."
"The level of topics and speakers was amazing. Organisation, direction and assurance was great. Food, hospitality and service second to none."
"The energy, diversity of attendees, variety of content and presenters, and the obvious camaraderie over the 2 days. Good balance of political, regulator, supervisors, industry players."
"The FSC conference (this year in particular) has been a phenomenal forum and I am so thrilled to have participated."
"Every session I attended was wholesome, insightful, thought provoking, profoundly engaging and very well planned and organised."
"It was truly a treat to hear the speakers (the calibre was just outstanding) and ALL the topics/ issues tabled were extremely relevant and useful for the consumption of the audience."
FSC. Conference 2022 Stats

FSC. Conference Media Coverage
FMA boss Samantha Barrass signals collaborative approach with industry
50,000 people may need to lose their jobs to bring inflation under control
Grant Roberston: We’re in a really good position here
FMA says ‘value for money’ disclosure open to interpretation
500,000 people paid total of $43 million for insurers' mistakes
Life insurance payouts to wronged customers climb to $43 million in four years
Rachel Smalley: Talk to us. Don’t tell us. That’s how you make a team of 5 million
Industry, regulators try to make ends meet as value-for-money looms
Investment News NZ
Working with KiwiSaver: FSC floats separation of employer/employee contributions
FSC unveils winners of 2022 Awards
Consultant wins top industry service award
Gongs handed out to top industries players
Research Launch Coverage at FSC. Conference
Concerns for households over misplaced financial confidence
Concerns for households over misplaced financial confidence
Investors confidence may be misplaced
Research shows 86% of Kiwis are overconfident with their money
Research shows most Kiwis are over-confident with their money
The Financial Services Council observes that New Zealanders have misplaced confidences about finances
FSC. Conference Theme 2022
The distinctive Whanake (Cabbage Tree) is one of the most familiar sights across the New Zealand countryside and is often planted to mark trails and boundaries.
The trees played an important part in both Māori and pākehā (New Zealanders of non-Māori descent) cultures being used by Māori for food, fibre and medicine, for example making kete (or baskets), mats and clothing. Early pākehā settlers used the trunk of the Cabbage Tree to line chimneys for their huts due to its fire-resistance, the leaves for kindling and the roots for brewing beer.
In Māori culture, Whanake means to move onwards, upwards, to grow, to spring up, develop and rise and reflects our FSC. Conference 2022 theme, Growing the Financial Confidence and Wellbeing In Aotearoa.

FSC. Conference 2022 Content

Tech Alley and Pitch Perfect 2022
Tech Alley is marketplace where attendees could meet with pioneering FinTech, InsurTech, HealthTech, EduTech and RegTech Kiwi companies, learn about their products and understand how they could help enhance their businesses and the financial services sector.
Tech Alley was located as part of the main sponsorship and partner exhibition area.
The Financial Services Council aims to fuel innovation in the sector and Pitch Perfect sparks that flame. All startup tech companies and Tech Alley attendees were welcome to pitch their tech at our breakfast session on 21 September, and the winners were invited to pitch their innovation on the main plenary stage later that day. Congratulations to SugarWallet and YaRKEN for winning Pitch Perfect 2022.

Thank you to our Tech Alley and Pitch Perfect partner

FSC. Conference 2022 Updates
Hon James Shaw and 'The World on Fire?' panel at FSC. Conference 2022

Chief Economist Session at FSC. Conference 2022

FSC research shows financial confidence has risen – but is a perfect storm brewing?
The Voices of Hope
The Financial Services Council and Voices of Hope have formed a wonderful partnership over the past few years and we were delighted to announce them as our charity partner for the 2022 Conference.
The work they do to create and implement change for mental health through stories of lived experience, is so incredibly important on an individual, communal and global scale. All donations make a huge difference to the work Voices of Hope do and are greatly appreciated.
To make a donation, please visit the fundraising page. We really appreciate all donations.
Click the link to buy ‘Stop Surviving, Start Fighting’, the bestselling book written by Voices of Hope’s Co-Founder Jazz Thornton.