
KiwiSaver and Retirement

The Financial Services Council (FSC) represents approximately 75% of KiwiSaver schemes and workplace savings schemes through our membership. This includes workplace savings schemes following the merger with Workplace Savings NZ in 2019.

With KiwiSaver funds under management surpassing $100 billion in 2024 and industry research indicating that Kiwis are not financially prepared for retirement, the FSC and the industry have recognised the need for the scheme to evolve to remain fit-for-purpose. The FSC collaborates closely with key stakeholders, including the Retirement Commission and the Government, to drive policies that support better retirement outcomes.

As KiwiSaver acts as the primary retirement savings vehicle for New Zealanders amid an ageing population, the FSC aspires to deliver a dignified retirement through policy and setting changes (FSC Blueprint for Growth, 2023).


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