Our 110+ members manage funds of more than $100bn and pay out claims of $3.2bn per year (life and health insurance). Members include the major insurers in life, health, disability and income insurance, fund managers, KiwiSaver and workplace savings schemes (including restricted schemes), professional service providers, and technology providers to the financial services sector.
Our objective is to present strong, evidence-based arguments for the policies that we believe are in the interests of the country, rather than solely for the financial services sector.

Member benefits
Ability to be nominated to the FSC board
Voting rights at general meetings
Chair FSC Committees
Government and regulator meetings
Contribution to the FSC Strategy
Plus associate member benefits
Event discounts and awards
Industry data and insights
Committee membership and influence
Regular member updates
Contribution to FSC submissions
Engagement with policy makers
Membership of the Financial Services Council means you have a key voice in the development of industry policy and activity. It provides you with the opportunity to shape the future of financial services here in New Zealand at a time of unprecedented regulatory change.
Proactive policy & advocacy
Submissions on all key Government and regulator consultations drive a proactive approach.
Shaping the industry voice
The FSC shapes the industry voice and policy direction through news, media, and other resources.
Sector & consumer insights
Gain insight the thinking of policy makers and government, as well as NZ consumers.
Broadening networks
Network and collaborate with other members and learn from peers through events and committees.
Regular industry statistics and data snapshots provide relevant and useful information for members.
Exclusive member content
Regular member only news and event discounts are available to all teams in our member organisations,
Become an FSC member
Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch with the membership registration form.