Financial wellbeing for women
Record your conversation and share on social media using #LetsTalkAboutMoney and #ItStartsWithAction and challenge 3 others to continue the kōrero.
Starter edition
50 questions about money that will make you think. Don't worry, it's not a test - the questions on these cards are all about how you think and feel about money, and there are NO wrong answers.
Family edition
Make money fun and get your kids on track to being financially resilient adults by using this family edition of the original conversation cards.
Te reo Māori edition
Tukuna ki te ao! He Kōrero Moni - E 50 ngā kōrerotanga moni hei taki mā ngā wāhine katoa! Tukuna te kōrero kia rere!
Continue the journey
Now we're talking
Conversations about money can be difficult. We don’t like talking about it. Close to half of us would rather talk about sex, drugs or politics than the dreaded M word.
Yet these conversations are some of the most important ones to have. The more you open up and talk about money – even the really difficult conversations – the better your life and relationships will be.
Sorted at Work programme
Sorted has developed facilitated financial capability sessions specifically tailored to women in the workplace. These facilitated sessions can be bite size – 1 hour, or up to 2 days which includes discussing unique situations women face (designed and delivered by women for women). Workplaces that are interested in providing this to employees get a ‘pulse check’ survey with a few questions for staff to answer which helps the facilitator tailor the sessions to their needs.
It's No Secret podcast
Us Kiwis aren't as humble as we might think. We're ambitious and we want financial freedom; the bach at the beach and the Audi to match.
But thanks to a dash of tall poppy syndrome and lack of financial education at a young age, we don't want to talk about how to get it.
We stick to what we know – property and saving for savings sake – and forget about the rest.
We're here to get the conversation started. Because the truth is, there is no secret to achieving financial freedom.