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FSC Consultations 2024

The FSC intends to submit industry feedback on the following consultations, discussion documents or Bills before Parliament.

Please click on the current consultations for more details on the FSC Submission Process and how FSC members can get involved (note: the hyperlinks are accessible to FSC members only).

Current consultations

  • 2 September 2024: | Law Commission: Review of the protections in the Human Rights Act 1993 for people who are transgender, people who are non-binary and people with innate variations of sex characteristics

Open consultations for noting:

The following consultations are also open, for noting:

2024 completed submissions

  • 9 February 2024: | GST and Managed Funds Proposed Arrangement Description
  • 1 March 2024: | FMA: Proposed fair outcomes for consumers and markets
  • 22 March 2024: | IR: Qualifying registered overseas pension schemes (QROPS) tax proposals
  • 2 April 2024: | IR: Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) Eligibility requirements
  • 14 May 2024: | FMA: Renewal of class exemption for restricted schemes from custodian assurance requirements. 
  • 3 June 2024: | Finance and Expenditure Select Committee: Contracts of Insurance Bill
  • 14 June 2024: | Justice Select Committee: Privacy Bill
  • 19 June 2024: |Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment: Financial services conduct regulation 

2023 completed submissions

Click here to view a list of the FSC's 2023 submissions.


2022 Completed Submissions

Click here to view a list of the FSC's 2022 submissions.