FSC. Conference 2022
The FSC. Conference 2022 theme reflected the FSC. Vision to ‘Grow the Financial Confidence and Wellbeing of New Zealanders’.
Our 2022 theme built on those from previous conferences including ReGenerations, and acted as our guide as we continue our journey through uncertain pandemic and economic times.
We welcomed over 400 delegates, sponsors and speakers back in person to the FSC. Conference 2022 at The Cordis Hotel in Auckland over the 21 + 22 September 2022.
FSC. Conference 2022 Updates

Focus on Health Insurance at the FSC. Conference 2022

Key note speakers announced for FSC. Conference 2022
FSC. Conference Theme 2022
The distinctive Whanake (Cabbage Tree) is one of the most familiar sights across the New Zealand countryside and is often planted to mark trails and boundaries.
The trees played an important part in both Māori and pākehā (New Zealanders of non-Māori descent) cultures being used by Māori for food, fibre and medicine, for example making kete (or baskets), mats and clothing. Early pākehā settlers used the trunk of the Cabbage Tree to line chimneys for their huts due to its fire-resistance, the leaves for kindling and the roots for brewing beer.
In Māori culture, Whanake means to move onwards, upwards, to grow, to spring up, develop and rise and reflects our FSC. Conference 2022 theme, Growing the Financial Confidence and Wellbeing In Aotearoa.

FSC. Conference 2022 Content

Tech Alley and Pitch Perfect 2022
Tech Alley is marketplace where attendees could meet with pioneering FinTech, InsurTech, HealthTech, EduTech and RegTech Kiwi companies, learn about their products and understand how they could help enhance their businesses and the financial services sector.
Tech Alley was located as part of the main sponsorship and partner exhibition area.
The Financial Services Council aims to fuel innovation in the sector and Pitch Perfect sparks that flame. All startup tech companies and Tech Alley attendees were welcome to pitch their tech at our breakfast session on 21 September, and the winners were invited to pitch their innovation on the main plenary stage later that day. See the winners here.

Thank you to our Tech Alley and Pitch Perfect partner

The Voices of Hope
The Financial Services Council and Voices of Hope have formed a wonderful partnership over the past few years and we were delighted to announce them as our charity partner for the 2022 Conference.
The work they do to create and implement change for mental health through stories of lived experience, is so incredibly important on an individual, communal and global scale. All donations make a huge difference to the work Voices of Hope do and are greatly appreciated.
To make a donation, please visit the fundraising page. We really appreciate all donations.
Click the link to buy ‘Stop Surviving, Start Fighting’, the bestselling book written by Voices of Hope’s Co-Founder Jazz Thornton.