
Industry relevant summits, conferences and webinars

FSC24 Conference

3 - 5 September at the Cordis Hotel, Auckland

The theme of the FSC Conference this year is Consumer Resilience and Prosperity.

As part of our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, we recognise the importance of supporting all New Zealanders.

This is represented by the threads depicting flexibility, resilience and that the many different communities globally, within New Zealand and the financial services sector are stronger together.

Upcoming events

4 September 2024

FSC Awards Dinner

Join us in recognising the outstanding achievements and contributions of individuals, teams and businesses in the financial services industry.

Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Hon. Andrew Bayly, will be joining as a keynote speaker.

Enter the FSC Awards programme here and register for the evening here.

4 September 2024
3 - 5 September 2024

FSC24 Conference

The theme of the FSC Conference this year is Consumer Resilience and Prosperity.

Find more information and programme outline here.

3 - 5 September 2024

Watch the replays

Watch all our event replays on our YouTube channel here.

All events

Webinar: Māori engagement in the financial services industry
PC16981 Connect 18-06 Topic Card 1000x500_01

Webinar: Māori engagement in the financial services industry

Entries for 2024 Financial Services Council industry awards now open
PC14975 FSC Awards Topic Card 1000x500

Entries for 2024 Financial Services Council industry awards now open

New Zealand and Climate Change: Where are we now? with Minister of Climate Change, Hon. Simon Watts
PC16883 Climate Change Topic Card 1000x500

New Zealand and Climate Change: Where are we now? with Minister of Climate Change, Hon. Simon Watts

Webinar: The Future of Total Permanent Disability Insurance
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Webinar: The Future of Total Permanent Disability Insurance

Lunch and Learn Wellington
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Lunch and Learn Wellington

Five reasons why you should attend FSC24 Conference
PC16431 Conf 24 Topic Cards_02

Five reasons why you should attend FSC24 Conference

Annual conferences